First of all, happy New Year! We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday season.
We're back to our meeting schedule Monday January 16 6:00 pm at The Office Pub. Hope to see you there!
Secondly: Welcome to our new website!
When this year's executive took the reins in July, one of the items that we all felt was due for a change was our website, and now finally as we start to get 2017 into gear, I'm very happy to show you what we've done to the place!
We wanted a user-friendly place to share news, event information, meeting calendars, and pictures in a way that wasn't possible with our old website. We hope this is something you all enjoy visiting. There will be more features that will be added as we gain more familiarity with our new provider.
What do you think so far? We'd love to hear your feedback!
This website would not have been made possible without the tireless efforts by our own Attilio. Building a website from the ground up is not easy, and on the behalf of the Board of Directors, THANK YOU ATTILIO!