Wow I can't believe we're already into February! Regardless of which groundhog you get your weather forecasts from, there's still a little bit of winter left.
We've got another great month in store for you all, why not keep the winter spirit going by joining us in our events?
As always, everything will be in our calendar on the Info tab, but here's some info below. To sign up, please contact
Peer Workshop: Job Hunting Skills (February 6, 6:00pm )
Location: Downtown Core, RSVP for details
The professional development committee is working hard to serve you better. In 2017 we are adding peer workshop of professional skills.
An opportunity to strengthen professional skills and gain perspective on how to brand yourself, through a variety of interactive components.

February R2R Event (February 7, 6:00pm )
Location: The National Club (303 Bay St.)
Networking event with rotarians and rotaractors. The cost is $10 per Rotarian. Rotaractors pay $5. If interested, please contact Katherine ( to sign-up for a spot. Please note that this is a MEMBERS ONLY EVENT and jeans are not allowed to be worn in the National Club.
Volunteers Needed: Youth and Children’s Awards Selection Subcommittee - February 9th, 5:30 - 8:30 pm
YCS is a committee that is made of Rotarians and Rotaractors to consider, review, and select charities that specialize in youth and children's health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life for funding and volunteer partnerships.
The theme this year is mental health, and we will be sending out applications for charities in the sector of youth and children’s mental health to complete so they can apply for funds and sweat equity through the Rotary Club of Toronto and the Rotaract Club of Toronto.
We need to create a subcommittee to review and select 6-8 applications to consider for this funding opportunity. Consider joining this subcommittee if you’re interested in helping decide where our funds are donated and enable well-deserving charities to make a difference in Toronto.
Women’s Hostel Birthday Party (Feb 11th 2:30pm-5:30pm)
Location: Women’s Hostel at 86 Lombard Street
Need 5-6 volunteers to help orchestrate the birthday party.
Young Professionals Networking by The Hip Haus
Date: Wed, February 15 , 2017 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Location: Bloke 401 King St W
Networking Event for Young Professionals FREE. Our Professional Development team has gone to this before, and we are interested in sharing it with all of you. A group of us are going this month, and we want to invite you to come along.
Fort York Food Bank (Feb 25th, 8:30-noon and 11:30-2pm)
Location: FYFB at 797 Dundas St West
Need 4-6 volunteers for each shift. Shift 1 (8:30am-noon) is cooking prep and cooking, Shift 2 (11:30am-2pm) is the serving and cleaning shift. If we can’t fit everyone in the kitchen, some volunteers can help out with grocery sorting