Participating in Caux forum (Inclusive Peace conference) was a great pleasure. It was a nourishing experience that has affected me personally; starting from meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds to working on finding strategies to spread peace.
Taking part in this conference gave me the opportunity to listen, meet, inspire and get inspired. Getting to know people on a human level, not a professional one, was one of the greatest opportunities that Caux Forum offered to us. This conference managed to gather all the people who want to leave a positive impact in the world, which is really inspiring.
Spreading peace all over the world is not an easy task, but through brainstorming and listening to some inspiring speakers, we have reached four strategies that can help in eliminating radicalisation and extremism:
1- Community Based-Indicators strategy, which was mentioned by Dr. Andreas Hirblinger.Summary: a) Create a focus groupEx: Imams, youth, psychologists ... etc.
b) Discuss the purpose of the group Ex: Fighting Extremism and radicalisation
c) Put some indicatorsEx: Increase of hatred speech, increase of sense of isolation.... etc.
And if more than one indicator can be applied on a certain personality, then there is a risk that this person can become an extremist
2- Deal with the Extremists as human beings and not ignoring them. It is important to listen to them, know how they joined the extremist groups and form a friendly dialogue.
By this way, you can find out the main reason for joining such group; example: poverty, lack of sense of belongness… etc.Thus, the problem can be solved easily; however, if they are already brainwashed, then they have to change themselves by themselves and that is why dealing with them as human beings may change their way of thinking. (Please contact me if you have some questions).
3- Work on improving the education system, as this will help people to think critically and prevent being brainwashed easily.
4- Customize speeches according to people who you are talking with to spread peace. Ex: you can’t take about tolerance if people are just angry; they will not listen to you.
In conclusion, I am grateful that I got the chance to participate in such conference, as it directly affects my future career. This is the environment that I would love to invest my time and ideas in to push the human race forward. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who participated in this conference. Together towards inclusive peace!